
About Marsha Marrullier

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So far Marsha Marrullier has created 63 blog entries.

Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) – a Solution to Employer ACA Tax Penalties

2021-12-20T23:42:48-04:00September 5th, 2015|

Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) are plans that only cover routine health services such as wellness benefits, preventive care and certain routine medical care. By definition, an MEC plan must cover all 63 CMS listed preventive care services. These plans do not provide traditional, major medical insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act has two mandates. The [...]

Flu Shots under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

2021-12-20T23:42:48-04:00September 5th, 2015|

There are three subsidies lawsuits all charging the same basic concept: that subsidies are illegal unless a state has set up its health insurance marketplace. For example, Florida and Texas has a Federal Exchange; Nevada has a state exchange. This charge is based on the specific wording of the law which states subsidies are for [...]

What PPACA requirements apply and don’t apply to grandfathered plans?

2021-12-20T23:42:48-04:00September 5th, 2015|

Grandfathered plans are not required to meet these PPACA requirements: Modified community rating (starting with the 2014 plan year; this only applies to insured small group plans) Coverage of preventive care without employee cost-sharing, including contraception for women Expanded claims and appeal requirements Limitations on out-of-pocket maximums (starting with the 2014 plan year) Essential health [...]

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