Our On-Boarding Tool
What is On-Boarding?
On-Boarding is more than just new hire orientation. On-Boarding is a process. Orientation is an event – the first step in the On-Boarding process. The orientation step allows you to collect all relevant Human Resources, Payroll and Benefits forms. The on-boarding process helps you to develop a happy contributor.
On-Boarding conveys:

If you do not have a successful on-boarding process, and you are losing employees due to non-engagement, we can help you develop an on-boarding strategy and ensure immediate success.
The On-Boarding Process
A sound on-boarding process spans 1-2 years. This may seem like a long time, but that is why we at Corporate Benefits Private Exchange believe that constant communication, feedback, and performance measurement are keys to employee longevity and loyalty, along with employees’ understanding of how they fit into the big picture.
On-boarding follows the employee life cycle for mentoring and development and includes automation for consistent and timely tracking of on-boarding events. Seamlessly transitioning the candidate through the new hire and On-Boarding experience, then into the performance management process matriculates the new employee and ensures success.