
IRS Fixes Family Glitch

2022-10-18T21:37:09-04:00October 18th, 2022|

IRS Fixes Family Glitch On October 11, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of the Treasury issued final regulations revising a 2013 interpretation on premium tax credit eligibility for families. This change fixes the so-called “family glitch” by extending eligibility for marketplace subsidies to dependents of lower-wage workers who [...]

ACA Penalties Increasing in 2023

2022-10-10T12:51:35-04:00September 27th, 2022|

Employers Here it comes again:  ACA Penalties Increasing in 2023 The IRS recently announced that the ACA penalty assessments issued for non-compliance with the Employer Mandate are increasing for the 2023 tax year. Below we highlight the new penalty amounts as well as explain how the IRS identifies non-compliance and issues penalties [...]

Featured on Manage HR Magazine

2021-12-21T19:11:10-04:00December 16th, 2021|

Marsha Marrullier is featured and on the cover of Manage HR Magazine 11/15/21 edition! Bringing unparalleled employee benefit services to corporations. Visit the website to read the full issue: Click Here. Download Document

Congratulations on Your REBC® Designation!

2021-12-21T19:17:30-04:00November 16th, 2021|

Morgan Pfeffer has earned The REBC Designation. Earning the Registered Employee Benefits Consultant® (REBC®) designation elevates your credibility as a professional. The field of employee benefits continues to evolve rapidly. A year does not go by without new government regulations, new or modified coverages, and new techniques for controlling benefit costs. To best serve [...]

IRS Releases the Indexed 2020 Affordability Percentage

2021-12-20T23:42:47-04:00August 29th, 2019|

The IRS released Notice 2019-29 that adjusts the affordability percentage for 2020. To avoid penalties under the Affordable Care Act, large employers must offer minimum value, affordable coverage to their full-time employees. The IRS adjusts the percentage for calculating affordability each year. For 2020, coverage will be considered affordable if it costs less than 9.78% of the [...]

Keeping Up with the Change.

2021-12-20T23:42:47-04:00August 12th, 2019|

To support CIOs, HR Tech Outlook collaboration with a distinguished panel comprising CEOs, CIOs, and analysts helps CHROs with a list of leading employee benefits service providers. HR Tech Outlook presents to you HR Tech Outlook’s “Top 10 Employee Benefits Consulting/Services Companies – 2019.” Proudly featuring Corporate Benefits Network. The healthcare reforms in 2015 [...]

Top 10 health conditions costing employers the most

2021-12-20T23:42:47-04:00October 22nd, 2018|

What conditions are costly for employers to cover? In IFEPB’s Workplace Wellness Trends 2017 Survey, more than 500 employers were asked to select the top three conditions impacting plan costs. The following 10 topped the list. #1  Diabetes #2  Cancer (all kinds) #3  Obesity #4  Arthritis/back/musculoskeletal #5  Heart disease #6 Hypertension/high blood pressure #7 Depression/mental [...]

Association Health Plans

2021-12-20T23:42:47-04:00July 19th, 2018|

On June 19, 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published Frequently Asked Questions About Association Health Plans (AHPs) and issued a final rule that broadens the definition of “employer” and the provisions under which an employer group or association may be treated as an “employer” sponsor of a single multiple-employer employee welfare benefit plan and group health plan [...]

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